Ashta Lakshmi - several forms of Goddess Lakshmi Laxmi

Ashta Lakshmi - several forms of Goddess Lakshmi/Laxmi

In Hinduism, Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped in several forms. The most popular forms of Goddess Lakshmi are eight which are collectively known as Ashta Lakshmi. There are different opinions on the manifestations of Goddess Lakshmi in Ashta Lakshmi. However, following manifestations of Goddess Lakshmi are mentioned while describing the iconography of Ashta Lakshmi.

  1. Adi Lakshmi - the primal mother goddess
  2. Dhana Lakshmi - goddess of material wealth
  3. Dhanya Lakshmi - goddess of good harvest and grains
  4. Gaja Lakshmi - goddess of power and strength
  5. Santana Lakshmi - goddess of off-springs and progeny
  6. Veera Lakshmi - goddess of courage and strength
  7. Vijaya Lakshmi - goddess of victory
  8. Aishwarya Lakshmi - goddess of comfort and luxury

Astha Lakshmi

1. Adi Lakshmi – The primary form of Maa Lakshmi, also known as Mahalakshmi. She is the omnipresent consort of Lord Narayana Vishnu and resides in Vaikuntha.
2. Dhana Lakshmi – Dhana Lakshmi is the form of the Goddess who is associated with wealth; both material and spiritual. Devotees who please her can gain abundant wealth and divine happiness.
3. Dhanya Lakshmi – Dhanya Lakshmi is associated with food grains, which are vital for the survival of mankind. Maa Lakshmi as Dhanya Lakshmi blesses humanity with a promise of abundant food grains which sustain her devotees.
4. Gaja Lakshmi – This is a historical form of Maa Lakshmi which has its origins in the great event of Samudra Manthan. In this form, she is the daughter of the ocean who came out of the waters with two elephants by her side. She signifies great wealth and material prosperity.
5. Santana Lakshmi – Santana Lakshmi is another divine manifestation of the Goddess. It is said that devotees who seek the auspicious blessings of this form of the Goddess, are blessed with beautiful, healthy and intelligent children.
6. Veera Lakshmi – Veera Lakshmi gives strength and power to her devotees to face the difficulties in life and to succeed inevitably. This is an extremely important form of the Goddess who encourages her followers not the fear obstacles as she blesses them with her divine grace.
7. Vijaya Lakshmi – Vijay Lakshmi, as the name suggests is associated with victory. The meaning of victory is not limited to wars and battles, but also getting past our own personal challenges, whether financial or physical or psychological.
8. Vidhya Lakshmi – This form of the Goddess is associated with education and knowledge. Those who seek the blessings of Vidhya Lakshmi can gain great knowledge and divine wisdom.

॥ अष्टलक्ष्मी स्तोत्रम् ॥

॥ आदिलक्ष्मि ॥
सुमनस वन्दित सुन्दरि माधवि,चन्द्र सहोदरि हेममये
मुनिगणमण्डित मोक्षप्रदायनि,मञ्जुळभाषिणि वेदनुते।
पङ्कजवासिनि देवसुपूजित,सद्गुण वर्षिणि शान्तियुते
जय जय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि,आदिलक्ष्मि सदा पालय माम्॥१॥

॥ धान्यलक्ष्मि ॥
अहिकलि कल्मषनाशिनि कामिनि,वैदिकरूपिणि वेदमये
क्षीरसमुद्भव मङ्गलरूपिणि,मन्त्रनिवासिनि मन्त्रनुते।
मङ्गलदायिनि अम्बुजवासिनि,देवगणाश्रित पादयुते
जय जय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि,धान्यलक्ष्मि सदा पालय माम् ॥२॥

॥ धैर्यलक्ष्मि ॥
जयवरवर्णिनि वैष्णवि भार्गवि,मन्त्रस्वरूपिणि मन्त्रमये
सुरगणपूजित शीघ्रफलप्रद,ज्ञानविकासिनि शास्त्रनुते।
भवभयहारिणि पापविमोचनि,साधुजनाश्रित पादयुते
जय जय हे मधुसूधन कामिनि,धैर्यलक्ष्मी सदा पालय माम् ॥३॥

॥ गजलक्ष्मि ॥
जय जय दुर्गतिनाशिनि कामिनि,सर्वफलप्रद शास्त्रमये
रधगज तुरगपदाति समावृत,परिजनमण्डित लोकनुते।
हरिहर ब्रह्म सुपूजित सेवित,तापनिवारिणि पादयुते
जय जय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि,गजलक्ष्मी रूपेण पालय माम् ॥४॥

॥ सन्तानलक्ष्मि ॥
अहिखग वाहिनि मोहिनि चक्रिणि,रागविवर्धिनि ज्ञानमये
गुणगणवारिधि लोकहितैषिणि,स्वरसप्त भूषित गाननुते।
सकल सुरासुर देवमुनीश्वर,मानववन्दित पादयुते
जय जय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि,सन्तानलक्ष्मी त्वं पालय माम् ॥५॥

॥ विजयलक्ष्मि ॥
जय कमलासनि सद्गतिदायिनि,ज्ञानविकासिनि गानमये
अनुदिनमर्चित कुङ्कुमधूसर,भूषित वासित वाद्यनुते।
कनकधरास्तुति वैभव वन्दित,शङ्कर देशिक मान्य पदे
जय जय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि,विजयलक्ष्मी सदा पालय माम् ॥६॥

॥ विद्यालक्ष्मि ॥
प्रणत सुरेश्वरि भारति भार्गवि,शोकविनाशिनि रत्नमये
मणिमयभूषित कर्णविभूषण,शान्तिसमावृत हास्यमुखे।
नवनिधिदायिनि कलिमलहारिणि,कामित फलप्रद हस्तयुते
जय जय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि,विद्यालक्ष्मी सदा पालय माम् ॥७॥

॥ धनलक्ष्मि ॥
धिमिधिमि धिंधिमि धिंधिमि-धिंधिमि,दुन्दुभि नाद सुपूर्णमये
घुमघुम घुङ्घुम घुङ्घुम घुङ्घुम,शङ्खनिनाद सुवाद्यनुते।
वेदपूराणेतिहास सुपूजित,वैदिकमार्ग प्रदर्शयुते
जय जय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि,धनलक्ष्मि रूपेणा पालय माम् ॥८॥

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